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contoh kalimat critical care

"critical care" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Essentials of Critical Care Nursing.
    Essentials of Critical Care Nursing (dalam bahasa Inggris).
  • Department of Critical Care Medicine, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
    Departemen Critical Care Medicine, Anestesiologi dan Intensive Care
  • Critical Care is a 1997 film directed by Sidney Lumet.
    Critical Care adalah judul film Amerika Serikat produksi tahun 1997 bergenre satir yang disutradarai oleh Sidney Lumet.
  • 1.) Renew Life Ultimate Flora Critical Extra Care – Best Probiotic Product
    . 1) Renew Life Ultimate Flora Critical Care tambahan - Best Probiotik Produk
  • His younger brother, Dr. Yatin Mehta, is Chairman of Medanta Institute of Critical Care and Anesthesiology, Gurgaon, Haryana.
    Adiknya, Dr. Yatin Mehta, adalah Ketua Medanta Institute of Critical Care and Anesthesiology, Gurgaon, Haryana.
  • MKSAP 17 Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine – drAlf
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  • The film is about a doctor who finds himself involved in a fight with two half sisters over the care of their ailing father.
    Critical Care menceritakan tentang seorang doktor yang mendapati dirinya berkelahi dengan saudara perempuannya selama perawatan sakit ayah mereka.
  • Categories Select Category Download Education Journal News Publication Research Service Textbook
    anatomy APSR asma ATS COPD critical care download ERS inovasi journal kuliah medicine opini pdf PDPI pedoman penelitian pengmas physiology pulmonary Respina review ristekdikti rokok simposium slide smoke textbook WHO workshop
  • Categories Pilih Kategori Download Education Journal News Publication Research Service Textbook
    anatomy APSR asma ATS COPD critical care download ERS inovasi journal kuliah medicine opini pdf PDPI pedoman penelitian pengmas physiology pulmonary Respina review ristekdikti rokok simposium slide smoke textbook WHO workshop
  • Categories Select Category Download Education Journal News Publication Research Service Textbook
    anatomy APSR asma asthma ATS COPD critical care download ERS inovasi journal kuliah medicine opini pdf PDPI pedoman penelitian pengmas physiology pulmonary Respina review ristekdikti rokok simposium slide smoke textbook WHO workshop
  • Categories Pilih Kategori Download Education Journal News Publication Research Service Textbook
    anatomy APSR asma asthma ATS COPD critical care download ERS inovasi journal kuliah medicine opini pdf PDPI pedoman penelitian pengmas physiology pulmonary Respina review ristekdikti rokok simposium slide smoke textbook WHO workshop
  • Samitivej’s Critical Care Center - A state-of-the-art operating theatre that is equipped with the latest surgical technology to increase our patients’ safety and well being.
    Samitivej's Critical Care Center - Pusat operasi mutakhir yang dilengkapi dengan teknologi bedah terbaru untuk meningkatkan keselamatan dan kesejahteraan pasien.
  • Her clinical practice involves all areas of general paediatrics with special interests in the field of infectious diseases including immunocompromised hosts, infections in critical care, perinatal infections as well as travel health and immunisation.
    Spesialisasinya termasuk semua area pediatri umum dengan sub-spesialisasi di bidang penyakit menular termasuk pasien Immunocompromised, Infeksi pada unit critical care, infeksi perinatal, serta kesehatan perjalanan dan imunisasi.
  • Dr. Kenneth Chan is currently a consultant respiratory physician at Gleneagles Medical Centre. Prior to this, he was a senior consultant at the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Singapore General Hospital.
    Dr. Kenneth Chan saat ini menjabat sebagai konsultan pernapasan di Gleneagles Medical Centre. Sebelumnya, beliau adalah konsultan senior di Departemet of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Singapore General Hospital.
  • We feel grateful to learn that our five colleagues who are currently under medical treatments at Premier Bintaro Hospital, Jakarta, have been transferred from the Critical Care Unit (CCU) to the VIP Normal Ward, since June 7, 2013.
    Puji syukur kami panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, kelima orang rekan kami yang menjalani perawatan di RS Premier Bintaro, Jakarta, telah secara berangsur dipindahkan dari Critical Care Unit (CCU) ke ruang perawatan umum VIP, sejak tanggal 7 Juni, 2013.